Concept Statement

Im researching how colour light and shape , can be used as a way to aid mediation , and help the viewer find inner peace. I Chose to research this as Im interested in mediation, and how colour shape and design can assist you within your meditation. I plan to make a installation out of rugs, that interacts with the viewer, through the way the viewer can sit and find tranquility and peace within the space. I want to make a installation where the viewer can be completely immersed in the space, and find comfort in it. This is making a response to my inquiry through the way the installation will act as experiment. Too see and test how the viewers experience my installation. To see how colour shape and patterns impact , someone from a mediative stand point. Its important for my research to see how shape colour etc can or if they do aid a meditation process. As I want my art to help the viewer through the way it immerses them.

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