Old Concept Statements

Concept 1:

This project examines the notion of digital ego induced by the use social media and the embodiment of its users in mixed realities. I believe that we live in a society detached from reality, where our material doings and identity are defined by our addiction to the dematerialized world of social media. For my first prototype, I’d like to create a VR world as a modern interpretation of the Greek mythology of Narcissus. My second prototype is an interactive screen installation where the user is asked to take a picture of himself to find his face replicated on the screens in the front, staring at him. The goal of my project is to raise awareness about the artificial society we’ve become and question the relationship between the real and the virtual.

Concept 2:

This project examines how our dependence on technology is dehumanizing us. I believe that we live in a trans-humanist society, where technology is contributing to our artificial evolution towards non-organic beings. For my first prototype, I’d like to create a speculative scenario serving as a cautionary tale about a society existing under data form. My second prototype is an installation of holographic human-data fossils, using darkness as an antidote to our dependence on technology. The goal of my project is to raise awareness about the danger of our dependence on technology and the future awaiting us.

Concept 3:

This project explores the addictive aspect of social media, having a negative influence on society’s well-being. I believe that we live in an artificial society detached from reality, where our material doings and identity are defined by our addiction to the dematerialized world of social media. As a response to the inquiry, I’m creating a speculative “Data to Food” object, re-contextualizing scenarios of today. The goal of my project is to encourage my audience to reflect upon their behaviors in a hyper-digital world.

Concept 4:

This project explores the notion of mass consumption of social media, having a negative influence on society’s well-being. I’m representing the fabric of social media as a system of consumption of data and of emotional production.


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