Short pitch and longer written description

Short pitch

Finding Rest in Sabbath is a short film exploring the idea of Sabbath, by definition, a day set aside for rest and worship. Through her own practice of Sabbath, Nasia Chan has formed an understanding of what Sabbath is and how it is changing her Christian walk and everyday life. In this video, Nasia visualises her thoughts and feelings before she started practising Sabbath and the effect the Day of Rest has on her after having kept it for about four years. This work is accompanied by a book, which features her research paper on how Sabbath is giving her effective physical and mental rest.


Longer written description

Finding Rest in Sabbath is a short film exploring the idea of Sabbath, by definition, a day set aside for rest and worship. Through her own practice of Sabbath, Nasia Chan has formed an understanding of what Sabbath is and how it is changing her Christian walk and everyday life. In this video, she visualises her thoughts and feelings before she started practising Sabbath and the effect the Day of Rest has on her after having kept it for about four years. This project discovers who God is through a Christian perspective of finding rest. This work is accompanied by a book, which features Nasia’s research paper on how Sabbath is giving her effective physical and mental rest. Having suffered much restlessness, exhaustion and anxiety herself, the artist understands the struggle and depression that seems to persist in the world. For this reason, Nasia wants to share what and who helped her overcome all her worries and how she finally found rest that lasts, in order for other people to experience the same joy.

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