Spring 2021 Week 1: Winter Break Reflexions

During the final critique, the idea of performance where the value of our own social media consumption is revealed to ourselves has been suggested several times. I have therefore decided to test this idea further. I first want my audience to scan a QR code with their phones where they will be directed to a platform where they’re asked to enter their weekly social media screen time. Then, the platform will convert this amount of time into candy equivalent and the price. After this, the participants are asked to show the results on their phones to the cashier. I will probably act as the cashier or hire a volunteer to do it. Based on the results on the phone, I will scoop candies from a candy pile or jar, scale them, make them correspond to the results on the phone, and sell them to the customer in a candy box. I was thinking of also giving the audience at the check out a self guide to spend less time on the platforms. I can use the ideas written in my ARS research paper.

Link to presentation slides:



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