Spring 2021 Week 3: Prototyping


For this week,

  • I adjusted the branding. I had to make the logo more related to the internet. I previously didn’t have the social media logos on it. I only had the candies.
  • I adjusted the concept.
  • Decided to work with the social media revenues as a metric, and listened to Evan’s advice of keeping the market price per  candy intact.
  • Visualized my metric system with different candy types and took photos. I experimented with the average user’s daily and weekly consumption, my consumption, my mom’s and a friend’s.
  • Made some changes to the nutrition label.
  • Improved the design of the conversion platform.

Nutrition Label:

I  kept the same playful interaction I had before: to correspond the usage time with the accumulation of candies and unhealthy calories. I tried to create a Percent daily average based on the recommended screen time of 30 minutes.For instance, if the user grabs a marshmallow from his/her candy bag, that means the person’s spent 48 mins on Facebook, meaning his/her consumption of unhealthy calories is 26% higher than it’s supposed to be. And as the consumption increases, these percentages increase.

Last week, when I kept the calories in grams the same they are on the original label the candies are taken from, I noticed that 19 g are probably too little for 38 minutes. This is why I tested it with the Percent daily average.

Updated concept:

My thesis project reflects upon the little value social media companies accord to human life, and the companies’ motives to generate revenues from addictive screen usage. The race for the user’s time is detrimental to society’s health and productivity. In order to address the unwholesome quality of our time spent on the platforms, my work is a candy shop rendering the revenues social media companies make from our time into purchasable candies. Through the disappointing experience of shopping bits of sweets, the users are prompted to question their unhealthy commitment to their screens.

The results generated from the metric system system suggest how little social media companies value human life. Last week, Evan suggested I should probably use this as a statement for my thesis concept.

When looking at the numbers,  I noticed that these companies have to make the users spend so much time on their sites even if it’s bad for for their well-being in order to make a minimum of profit. Therefore, instead of creating a user scenario where the person would feel bad about his consumption because he/she received a huge pile of candy, the user could be drawn into a disappointing situation where he/she would question the worthiness of all this unhealthy time spent on the screen because he/she only got bits of candies in his candy bag instead of a huge pile. The non-nutritious quality of our screen time would be expressed through the little amounts of candies we get for the huge amounts of time we invested on the platforms.


Conversion Platform

For phone display only:

Haribo bears converter

Skittles converter

Haribo Cherry converter

Haribo Croco converter

Marshmallow converter

Carambar mini mix converter

Tic-tac converter

Mix converter

For computer display only:

Mix converter


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