Near Future Concepts

Human Gardens:

As the human population advances and grows further, we will find ourselves having to confront our ever decreasing amount of space for burial and ever increasing fear of death. The Human Garden is a method of finding places for bodies after passing, dealing with air pollution, and a way of addressing our search for an unnecessary immortality. In the Garden, decorated corpses are placed in vertical boxes, stacked one on top of the other, balanced against walls or trees. Entwined in netting (So as to prevent their eyes and organs being pecked out by birds and other creatures), their flesh decays and fertilizes life – more specifically moss – which can give off more oxygen per acre than trees. Some bodies will be excavated and used as temporary structures for the building of beehives and the burrows of mammals. This creation of a museum of sorts featuring human sculptures is aimed at helping observers overcome constant fear of mortality. Perhaps exposing ourselves to the deceased – as our ancestors once did – will allow us to stop shying away from the considered gruesomeness of death and find peace in it once more.


Both our memory and our attention spans have grown significantly worse over the years. Our realization of extreme government surveillance has grown as well. The device above tracks the wearers movement through the day in the form of GPS coordinates and will also periodically remind the wearer of the days events and plans. This information is able to be accessed by the government which will overlook people who operate under the understanding that it doesn’t really matter what the head of state knows so long as they are following the law.

Sensory Deprivation:

Stimulus and subsequent anxiety will only get worse as time passes. Sensory deprivation eases the mind of the five senses, allowing for a sense of calm in such a loud world. This garment/device is a wearable version of the stated sensation, allowing the wearer to experience a personal sense of peace while in a complex world.

There is a certain amount of water placed in the garment to mimic the sensation of floating.

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