Linear Progression – Utopia – Real(Desire/Destruction)

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We often associate Utopia to a perfect society of some sort, although everyone has their own definition for Utopia, most of it would still portray it as something favourable.  To me, I would imagine Utopia to be a place with unlimited resource that one desires, so that there is no shortage of supply and ultimately inequality would be reduced to its minimal, better yet, human race might be able to achieve equality.  The question that arises from that scenario, however, is what would be the purpose to live when we get what we want as long as we ask for it?  There will no longer be goals and dreams, without the main factors for motivation, one would lost direction in life.

An ideology like Utopia is created because there are problems existing in the society, the idea breeds from our dissatisfaction from the reality.  To think of it this way, Utopia is just a euphemism for human desire.  With that said, the ever-growing desire inhabited in our human nature would only make the idea of Utopia, the ideal society, impossible.  The desire would lead us to destruction, where the perfect place created would only bring out the imperfections of humans even more.  Once we got a taste of contentment, it becomes necessity, so the question is will there ever be any society that could provide all of us contentment?

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