Time: Final Project

Original Idea:

A spinning wheel with a crank that spun the pages of books like a giphoscope.

Inspiration for the Shape


Plans for Final

My plans for this final was to make something that looked a little bit futuristic and technologically advanced, while also keeping it looking like an antique or found object. By using wood and paper, I was relating directly to trees and the earth which made it look older and more hand crafted than made in a factory.

Process Photos

Final Photographs + Video Link



In the end, I am happy with the project piece I created. It relates to time and how time is processed and how people think about time in a kind of fantasy way. The books chosen all had to do with people going back in time or moving into the future. I think if I were to do this project again, I would take time to more finely cut the pages, and also make it much larger than it actually is somehow. I think if it were larger it would be a more effective piece.


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