Posts Tagged "writing"

Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Pink has always been my favorite color since my childhood. I believe using pink on garments is a tough choice…

No One Belongs Down There

An advertisement is a significant element for industries which established around the theme of selling a product to potential customers.…
Luxury Meets Green

Luxury Meets Green

Protecting the eco-system we live in is one of the essential thing humankind should do with the ensue of environmental…

Paris to Her Helen

Everybody knows Paris Hilton for a reason; some people for her surname, some people for her infamous sex tape. Even…
Artist Statement

Artist Statement

“When people you don't even know hate you, that's when you know you're the best.” -Paris Hilton Growing up in…
Down Memory Lane

Down Memory Lane

Our movie is based on the memory I (Ata) had two years ago. It was almost the end of summer,…
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