Sustainable Systems – Fashion / Food flows

Food flow

I was always highly mindful with my food consumption. I love knowing what ingredients I have in what I eat and what is the nutrition value. I try to avoid proccesed food and minimize my consumption of packaged food. Most of my shopping I do in Trader Joe’s and the green market. I think the most unsustainable habit I have in my diet is a nespresso machine which I use 2-3 times a day. I save the capsules but honestly,  they are just sitting in bags in my kitchen closet.

Logging my food intake was mostly educational for me in two aspects: Is the food seasonal? And. where was it produced? It was interesting to consider these new factors in my shopping process.

Fashion flow

Logging my clothes for a week was way more challenging for me, and it was a learning experience. I have nearly never considered where I get my clothes from in terms of sustainability. When I read about a clothing brand that is abusive of animals or workers I try to buy there less, but I never actively researched this topic. I was surprised and a little sad to find out that most of my clothes were produced in third world countries such as Bangladesh or China. From my online research I discovered how unsustainable were the clothing brand I usually buy from, such as Zara, Topshop and Urban Outfitters. I know that in future purchases I will be way more aware of the brands i buy from, their treatment towards workers and animals, the energy they consume and their environmental impact (type of fabric, for instance.)

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