LINDSAY LOHAN: Past, Present + Future

Concept description:

I have been obsessed with the mid-2000s for quite some time. My sister is a decade older than I was, so we roughly experienced growing up in the middle of our respective decades. She was part of the class of 2007, which is arguably one of the most influential and impactive years in pop culture. This era is marked with tabloids and the adoption of technology and social media (most notably Myspace and AIM). One could argue that the focal point of this entire decade was Lindsay Lohan.

As an actress, Lohan came from a Disney background. She starred in a number of teen movies that contributed to the overall teenage lexicon and cultural identity. However, Lohan’s career downward spiral was truly the most defining moment. These collages attempt to capture her identity from revered childhood actress to party girl murdered by the tabloids to Mykonos-resort owning woman remembered for her stints in jail and rehab.


Making the digital collages was fairly easy because I would consider myself well-versed in Photoshop. Her “present” was more of the time that she had the most cultural relevancy. Her “past” was more innocent with visuals of her in her movies. Her “future” was actually today’s present, because ultimately no one expected that to be it. I had the most difficulty with her past, which is the time period I elected to do my physical collage. This was due in part to the fact that I am not a conventional artist; I generally like things to happen fast and hate the fact that I’m limited by my own physical speed. This resulted in that collage being the weakest, however, my ideas and concepts still are conveyed through it.

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