Inquiry into an Object, Form, or Image

For this assignment, we were asked to take one our signifiers from our taxonomies and to make it into an artwork as a response. Additionally, we to use a medium that made sense in the context of our chosen theme/topic. My chosen theme and topic are identity and subsequently inheritance – how we can inherit physical and traits/personality/culture from our parents and families.

Based on my contextual taxonomy, I chose this image of Little Saigon.

This image is a small statue in Little Saigon in Seattle. The yellow figure represents an áo dài, which is a traditional Vietnamese garb, with the text Little Saigon with a conical straw hat. In essence, these are two large signifiers of Vietnamese culture to public perception. My three questions would be: Who designed this monument? Was it an actual Vietnamese person? How long has this monument been erected?


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