Friends and Winners

My favorite part of high school was the time I spent in theater tech. At my school, we had a very small crew that would run the backstage and all the technical elements of the performances held at school. Every year, we enter a competition called the Ohlone Theater Festival where we compete against other schools in technical design and abilities. During my senior year, we worked really hard to prepare for this competition and all of the struggles and time we put in paid off because we ended up winning the Technical Theater Sweepstakes award (which was the biggest trophy out of all the other trophies). When we heard our name being called when they announced the results, I did something I had never done before. I cried tears of joy. I was so happy, not only because we won, but because we worked so hard and we won as a team. Theater tech is where I made my closest friends and memories. Winning that award really proved to me that the time I spent with this group of people was not a waste. I realized that the memories I made with these friends are the thoughts that will appear when I think about the best parts of high school.


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