Design Process & Teamwork

IDEO Shopping Cart Project

– Which steps did you observe in IDEO’s design process? List them briefly, in order.

1. The object their working on

2. Talk to each other about the object

3. Go out first hand
-To learn more about the object
-The design
-How others use it

4. Discuss (what they learned)

5. Draw their ideas
-As many as they can think of

6. Narrow down ideas
-Not just cool, but possible to work with

7. Small side meeting (not the whole team)

8. Call team in
-Discuss splitting into teams and making mock-ups

9. Building

10. Present

11. Keep working on it
-Before deciding on the final piece

– Were there any steps in the design process that were repeated? If so which ones? And why were they repeated?

Safety- It is important that nobody is hurt from the object. Safety labels were also written on the object.(Children would step onto the edge under where the handles are, and the shopping cart would start tipping over)

Theft- People steal from others (shopping carts, or baskets). Also, they want enough of the object so that everybody is able to use it.

Wild ideas- Outside of the box ideas, so that other’s can come up with better ideas and can branch off. If there were only logical ideas, they can’t work with something crazy to make it simple and work.

There’s no boss, no person truly higher than everybody else. It’s everybody’s choice and decisions together. No-one truly knows more than the other person. Everyone’s equal, working together as a team, and not listening to just one person and their idea.

Time- If there’s no due date, the ideas could keep coming in, but no work would be done.

– What are IDEO’s mantras for innovation?

-One conversation at a time
-Stay focused
-Encourage wild ideas
-Differ judgement
-Build on the ideas of others

Have fun while working, be playful
-Fresh ideas come while having fun

-What are the benefits of IDEO’s design process? What are its drawbacks?

There are so many interesting ideas from everybody. But because there are so many ideas, they could slowly without realizing, lose the initial focus of the project. So they have to refocus.


-Finding what their looking for

NY Times: What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team

-Do you see any parallels between this article and the IDEO video? What are they?

In the IDEO video

-Everybody had studied different things
-They listened to each other

In the article

-Their team went to similar colleges
-Everybody tried to talk over each other

-What are the keys to good teamwork according to this study?

-Socialize outside of work
-Being sympathetic
-Speak/socialize with each other (personal, small talk, stories)

1 Comment

  1. Tamar · October 27, 2016 Reply

    Good start!
    It is clear that you watched the video carefully and took notes, but I think you misunderstood two of the questions that I asked:

    – Were there any steps in the design process that were repeated? If so which ones? And why were they repeated?
    In order to answer this question, I think you should review (and maybe shorten) the descriptions of the steps in the design process, so you can see which ones were repeated.

    -What are the benefits of IDEO’s design process? What are its drawbacks?
    This is a general question about IDEO’s design process.

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