Curiosity Questions

  1. How and when did lying start?
    • When and how do children start to lie? (How do they know?)
    • How can someone know when someone is lying? (if they’re straight-faced or smiling)
    • What age do children start lying?
    • How do children become aware of lying?
  2. How do you find truth (in a false statement)?
    • What is the truth and what is false?
    • How does someone know if what other person is saying the truth, is actually the truth? (if the other believes it the truth)
  3. Why lie?/What is a lie?/What’s in a lie?
  4. What is judgement without observation?
    • Why does judgement come so quickly when observing, and when people try to observe, it’s more slow and difficult?
  5. If there are unwritten rules that everybody just knows, (where, when, how) did they know those rules?
    1. If there are rules that weren’t written down, how do they know those are the rules they have to follow? (or if they’re right or wrong)
  6. Why is it taboo to talk about the motivations behind gift giving? What other things are similarly taboo to speak about?
  7. Why do people stutter when they’re nervous (uh, um…)?
  8. Why do some sentences create a second meaning where people’s mind go to even if they know it’s not what it’s saying?
  9. If what poets, artists, and writers intended to write the way they did, and we analyzed their words, then what’s the difference between our interpretation and what they’re making us think?
  10. Why do people unconsciously talk in a different manner to different people?
  11. How do people know how to set a tone, mood, rhythm, etc. automatically when reading letters, poems, or lyrics to get the meaning?
  12. What is considered manly or feminine?
  13. Why do people get picked out for doing something that’s “not what guys/girls do?”
  14. How did gender roles come to be?
  15. Can we learn male/feminine habits without learning them? (without observing from family/strangers)
    • If people learn how to act by observing how others act, if they take that away, will they act feminine/masculine?
  16. Why do people/I act differently around different people?
  17. How did gender roles come to be?
  18. Why do people always need go back and relate things to science and need proof?
  19. Why are expectations a big part of gender identity?
  20. What actions do I perform that aren’t acts upon expectations and observation?
  21. What other objects forces a person to do something, like the Berlin key?
  22. Is there other things besides objects that will force a person to do something?
  23. If people doubt, will they lie or tell the truth?
  24. Is it possible for humans to not doubt? How?

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