Berlin Key prototype-trash

How is it related to the Berlin key? social contract, embody, of the object

The Berlin Key is a key that forces a person to lock the door behind them when they leave. You put in the key, turn in, enter, and need to turn it again to get the key back, which locks it again.


We got the idea from what we found annoying with the school, or with the dorms, and we agreed on when someone don’t take out the trash even if it’s starting to overflow.

We made a trash can that will force a person to change the bag once it gets to a certain point, it will start beeping. Like a fire alarm, it will beep once the batteries are low, and like a water dispensers, it will beep once the water is low. It will also automatically lock its lid so you can’t put any more trash into it. Because the beeping will be loud and constant, it will annoy them, and once the lid locks, it forces them to change the bag.

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