studio paper b

using your material as a research material–>using the camera and how to use camera

lying–>more specific–>

what is lying digitally? in a painting? in a film?

for paper b, i concluded that there are many reasons why a person may lie. they lie so they wouldn’t hurt others or themselves, to hide something, to get out of trouble, and learning by watching and, or experiencing it

in the beginning, i was going to do a sequence but since there was about many reasons for lying,  i couldn’t just focus on situations since there are so many reasons. i thought about some signs that people may see when someone is lying. also, black and white- so they aren’t distracted by the other colors or background, and able to focus on the body language–trying to think the way people unconsciously moves, and have to think of what others signs do people make

i wouldn’t have done this, because since the mafia game, and the first curiosity q was about lying, it stuck to me. and ever since, i also found it connecting with observation, and how we observed and analyzed every class. everything we’ve done in class were like exercises to build a new habit- to take what we’re observing and connecting the information rather than thinking it as symbols and making assumptions, like the gift giving and annotating the quotes in seminar

about lying draft2-1hz3npt


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