Library of …. (idea)


Library of Massage and Relaxation

How far the ribs are to each other , it allows light in or keeps light out, creating more private or public space at the same time

The ribs are closer together are darker, creating more intimate spaces, closing themselves away from the street view- feeling of stillness and quietness

Walk from the entrance it gradually becomes closed, creating more privacy from the outside but still public inside

Go up the stairs it gradually gets darker until you reach the private rooms to get massage, quietness, read, rest

moving to outdoor spaces, it’s more open, where the ribs are further apart, letting more light in- feeling of freeness and louder

Then as you go up the stairs again, it gradually get bright, into more open space with more light; you can read, talk, eat

The top outdoor space- you can read, eat, talk, exercise


the ribs hold the books, so the stairs r along with the ribs so you can grab a book as you travel and can rest on a platform

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