Bridge #2

Camilla Robyn

Feb. 20 2018


For my “translation project” I decided to recreate the statue of a head created by the Alaskan peoples. This piece dates back to the 2nd-4th century and is carved from remainings of hunted animals by the Alaskans. Since these groups relied so heavily on the resources of the sea, all of these artworks were objects that were designed in honor of animals like the walrus, seal, and whale. Most of the objects were carved from the walrus ivory and signified spirit images and also human figures, mainly the female figure. The reason i chose to recreate this piece was because it was such a simple object, yet described so much about the Alaskans morals, and grace.  All or most of the objects are created from found materials and resources accessible in everyday circumstances but that were also held with great value as they honor the earth for the gifts it brings them. For my piece, i decided to use “found objects” in my everyday life. Remainings of things I have used and also things that i appreciate or like. Essentially I am trying to show a comparison in resources between me, and the Alaskan people at the time. While creating this piece i was thinking about the things that most give to me. I included metal, fabric, paper and plants in the creation of the final product.

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