Sustainable: Week 7/8 Repair Project and Kombucha Leather


1. It does not come out like my expectation, actually I did not see my Bacteria Painting. I do not know which step I did wrong but when I see the pattern result it is different than what I thought. I was thinking to print this on fabric but it has a lot of limitations for bacteria to exist so it might not work on fabric.

2. Actually I do not know the tradition repair technology in my home country but I have heard an artist from Barcelona called Carla Cascales Alimbau who inspired by Kintsugi, and she uses the broken art piece to create a new one. In her work, I saw the beauty of roughness, asymmetry, and imperfect. I think Kintsugi includes design, user, sales, repair, and manufacturing. Yes, I think a slow and long process of repair give the object a long life to be with me and produce more stories between object and myself. Yes, I think in the process of repair an object I can learn more technology rather than just buy a new one. I think it will be more interesting to repair an object than the original one because as we remake it, we can create our own style decoration.

3. I would like to attend a repair party, the story at the end makes me interested in it. We are not just repairing the object to give it a long life, we are also sharing the story and help others to keep their memories and stories longer. I think one of the reasons is, it saves more money and more environmental, the other reason is we had emotion and memories with these objects so we do not want to throw away them.

4. I think Sweden has a strong environmental awareness and it is also a great idea to encourage people to repair or fix the items rather than just buy a new one. And I also think maybe there also can have a store which collects different level old or broken machines, more old or shabby can have more tax breaks. I think it will work in the US because it is very expensive to buy a machine so I think tax breaks on repair can attract people.

5. I do not agree with the author at all because I think most of the expensive products one of the reasons is the brand and the other is it has better fabric or material. I think if it uses a long-life fabric it could be expensive but it does not mean the cheap is not well made. I can buy fair price products and remake them when you do not like the style anymore and it still will be a well-made product.

6. This skill and design will be very popular for kids’ parents, the children grow very fast so parents need to buy different sizes for different ages which cost a lot of money. And some of the clothes just been worn a few times and it gets too tight for the child. That will be interesting if they have the clothes for adult which can change the shape and drape, it will become a new and different style garment.


a. Choose a Repair: I choose a previously unusable tote bag which I made before I did not use it because the handle is not very tough and it is also too short but I like the fabric on it and I don’t want to waste them so I decided to make a new one. I think the repair is an important design skill if I do not that bag anymore I can take those fabrics off and use them to make bag, wallet or hats.

b. Inspired by the artist Juliana Santacruz Herrera, she used colorful coiled strips of fabric to repair the Paris’s potholes and pavement. I think I can use those to repair most of the holes in my furniture and I also can use that fabric to make a new hat because I liked to buy hats. For my repair, I just need the sewing supplies and machine to make the new bag. And I don’t need to buy anything because I will just use the materials left from other projects. I want to make my bag more functional so I add a pocket on the side and using the zipper. I also do some hand sewing on the surface. The process of my repair will be, take the fabric from the old tote bag and use muslin (which has some stickers and also the one I cut in the wrong way so can not be used for garments anymore)  to make a new one then hand stitch fabric on top of the muslin. Then add a pocket on the side and sew the zipper on it and finally stitch two handles. It probably will take around 4 hours. And based on the last tote bag I will make it bigger and also change the length of handles.



c. Attempt Repair:  The previously tote bag 

d. Does it work? Yes, my repair comes our successfully. Although the zipper is not very successfully but I am happy with the result. And I think the final comes out more sample but beautiful than the original one and I add a zipper so I have extra space to put small items. Because everything is using the thread so it is easy to take off and repair to a new project.

e. I learned I should not cut the top of the zipper it takes me a lot of time to fix it. It took me about 4-5 hours because I need to take the fabric from my original one and then make a new bag. Before I did it I thought the hand stitch will take me a lot of time but actually not. If next time I would like to make a hat instead of a bag that will be more difficult. I think I can also use this fabric to fix holes in furniture or garments even the ceramic. Yes, and it also helps me to think how to make items more functional before I make them.

g. The most important aspect of make a design easily repairable is it is easy and able to take off the component from it. Otherwise, it will break the part of the object when you repair it. I had a handmade bowl that I bought last year but when I received it was broke, although they send me a new one but I was thinking to repair it with my other ceramic. I did not buy any new materials for this project, I just find all the material left from other projects and make them useful. I had a tote bag that I used it very often but the stitches are not as tight as I bought it. I can also repair that one instead of buy a new replacement.


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