Having to choose two Christopher Breward’s aphorisms from his forward to fashion studies I chose the two below to explain.
“Fashion moves in space and time. It shares in the complexity of physics and mathematics, making patterns and networks, forming mazes and constellations. Through its forms we have an opportunity to re-unite art and science and to heal the rift of the two cultures”
I agree with the above stamtment. Fashion moves with space and time. It is not motionless. I also agree with the fact that fashion uses lot of mathematics (such as pattern making or marketing) and networking (such as publicity). I believe that fashion has the ability to bridge the gab between art and science. This has become relevant for example with the company Spiber. Siber has created a protein based material that is stronger than cavalier. Using science this company was able to create a sustainable man made fabric.
“Fashion is intensely personal, in the same way that poetry is intensely personal. It is a medium through which personal stories can be told, memories re-lived and futures foretold.”
I agree with the above statement to some degree. I believe fashion is personal to the person who is wearing it and is a way of expression. It can also have a deeper meaning than one would expect with first glance. But I think that not all fashion is personal is just a way of living and might have no meaning at behind it than a source of coverage.