Dress Log Reflection

What themes emerged in your dress practice log?

What did you notice about daily dress practice that you hadn’t noticed before?

How did the dress practice log impact your understanding of the relationship between clothing and the body?


Keeping notes for a week documenting how I dress everyday was interesting. I noticed that I dress for comfort and for certain situations. I noticed that some of my favorite things to wear were larger clothing ( like high to low tops, t-shirts, sweatshirts), leggings, and clothes that were black. I already new that these were some of my favorite things to wear just because I am always on my feet working. What I did not notice was that the days that I dressed up where the days that I got the most compliments and felt most confident showing me that I should dress up more. I discovered that clothing does have a relationship with the body because it can truly effect the way one feels or expresses them self.  Even though I am happy and confident in just leggings and a shirt wearing jeans and a leather jacket made me more happy. When I first started documenting the dress log I really did not think I was going to get a lot out of it. After writing everything down I had a better understanding why I dressed the way I did and what I actually want to do to change my dress process to feel better about myself. I honestly think no matter how silly this processes sounds everyone should do it because it brings awareness to do choices we make when it comes to dressing.

The images I included was my favorite outfit for the week and my favorite pare of black booties that I ware several times though out the week.


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( Can not figure out why it turns my picture like this)


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