Knit Dress

My knit dress is 100 percent recycled material from the practice knit shirt done in class. It is a zero waste garment draped to have a some what sexy fit. The color is an amazing tope color. This knit dress was a somewhat challenging garment do to the fact I needed to keep it sustainable with the limited fabric I had. I was frustrated at first not getting very inspired. At one point in time I saw something that I really liked on the mannequin so I ran with it. Thats how I ended up with the finished product. If I could do this project again I would make at least or drape at least 10 things on the mannequin quickly. From there I would see what I liked and what I disliked. This way I would not feel as restricted. In a way I enjoyed this project because I made something out of my comfort zone using different machines, making something that is not symmetrical, and using a cut and sew knit for the first time. I can most defiantly use more practice on this overlock machine and will continue to practice that on garments and knit material. All and all I am proud of myself for trying something new.

Drape #1

Drape #2

Playing around with side seams

Closing side seams

Final Front

Final Back

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