Creative Technical Studio: Dress Project 1


The sculpture piece “Saddle” demonstrates how the flowing and creases formed by the material creates an illusion of a body trapped inside. The artist Janine Antoni uses leather shaping it into a silhouette of a female body. I am also greatly intrigued by the contrast feeling given by the softness of the draping and the structural and I believe this to be greatly related to this class, since we will be making a garment that is form fitted and structuring the body. I was inspired to create a piece with excess fabric that drape down establishing a sense of movement and the silhouette of the body as the model walks.


This is the first design that I have made based on the inspiration, using the colors directly inspired by the sculpture and also the medieval style clothings. I created a strong contrast between the bodice and the dress and sleeves.

I used both medium weight muslin and silky nylon to demonstrate the different textures I wanted to bring out. I wasn’t able to drape it the way I wanted it to look like, I tried to create the two flaps that are tight around the hip, but they wasn’t able to to hold in the drapes, and it became very puffy as shown in the pictures.

Then I abandoned my first design, and I created more sketches based upon my idea of contrast. And I became very interested in the idea of big sleeves and stripes of fabric indicating motion instead of drapes.





























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