Artist Statement;
I was inspired by the idea of sound and the sense of hearing. Moving to the city, I’ve experienced a whole different environment of sounds than I’m used to at home. While it’s new and exciting, I miss the sounds of nature that surrounded me back home. Birds, bugs, rain, a creek. I wanted to create a piece that depicted a sound wave, with gentle slopes and curves to emulate the way rain looks hitting the ground and rippling outward. Initially, I wanted more randomness in my design, rather than even mounds, but found technical problems measuring out pieces to line up properly and clearly depict depressions and hills. I ended up using cosine and sin curves to ensure smooth connection and a cohesive piece. Overall, I wish I had more time to spend on this, as I was sick for this project, because my final piece looks rushed and unfinished. I would’ve liked to sand down the notches for a better fit and the top for smoother, more organic curves.