“Emotional Destination” Blacklight Travel Poster

Let’s Get Manic, 11″ by 17″ uv tempera paint


Let’s Get Manic, under blacklight

For this assignment, I was prompted to create a travel poster advertising an “emotional destination.” To begin developing a concept, I started by asking myself what emotions I find most relevant in my life, and which of those can be made to look appealing given the criteria of the assignment. After some consideration, I decided no other emotion competed with the lure of mania when I find myself slipping into it. I organized the composition to create surreal and chaotic fun, with the focal point being a set of overwhelmed, yet in awe, eyes. This element of the piece takes the shape of a rising sun for the purposes of blending the composition and depicting the inflated, unrealistic sense of self that I experience during bouts of mania. I placed this representation of myself in an expansive starry sky to create room for text while illustrating feelings of infinite possibilities and the sense of being in tune with “something greater” than our earthly realm. Below, a swirling pool of activity works to create a sense of being sucked in, and spiraling out of control. The various elements shown here represent different activities and thoughts that appeal to the manic mind- adventuring, spending money, sex, and drugs.

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