Chapter 1
The Design Process, Karl Aspelund
- The need for inspiration and explains its nature.
- Designers must be Inspired. Inspiration is the act of creation, motivation is key in the process. It should be infused in the design process. Inspiration keeps the idea for design moving forward.
- The designer should always actively seek inspiration. Our thoughts and ideas have the power to evolve.
- When people seek inspiration, they must be careful not to let the energy they find speed them in a direction in which they don’t intend to go.
- They should be aware of their own ideas might be heavily influenced by already existing work and will rob their own ideas from originality. Opening up a style will help in the development of one’s identity.
- Inspiration should be the energy behind creativity.
- Being open to mixing media in order to find inspiration is very useful as it can show you an idea reflected in literature, architecture, paintings, etc.
- Just because the previous project didn’t work, doesn’t mean that the next one will also fail.
- In regards to art and life itself, it should be from the eyes of a kid. This is ideal and necessary for human development.
- Being responsible for oneself such as how many hours we sleep will always affect positively or art or work as designers.
- Inspiration is just the beginning, as the design needs to go beyond this and use an idea and the philosophizing surroundings.
- Getting sidetrack doing research will hinder the process of making, creation and development od the design.
- The identity of the design borns within a culture, industry, commerce, and a person’s life, identity, and comfort.
- The design has to consider the clients and their needs.
- If taking about inanimate objects, we have to think about what feeling is the object going to produce to the client. It has to have aesthetical qualities yet also be something unexpectedly new.
- Inspiration is also related to the functionality of the programs/design, its function, the ambiance, the “feels”, how to create the best possible experience yet also fulfilling the needs that require design and its limitations.