I collected a lot of video clips from my life, including my life on campus and out of campus.

I went on a short trip of observing NYC and used my phone to record my experience.

Final Clip

I used multiple perspective to create this video clip.

It was shot on a Thursday night during a break. Because it was too late, everyone looked tired in class, and the content of class was boring. Our appearance of drowsiness made my teacher very unhappy, so she asked us to go out for a rest before coming back to class.We wanted to go home, but that was impossible. We only had ten minutes, so short to even have a snap. We didn’t know what to do, we were too tired to think, we were just wandering around, doing things that didn’t make any sense. Like walking around, lying on the couch, drinking milk tea, curiously checking out the machines that rented laptops. We are all tired, so we can only relax by this. When we are so tired that we don’t want to think, even doing such silly things can make us happy.


I want to show the confusion and anxiety of me during the break, so I made the pictures in different height, and gave them a messy effect.

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