A Monument to Street Food Vendors

My group wanted to make a monument of a middle aged woman who was woking in her food vendor. In the passage, lots of undocumented immigrants cannot apply for any jobs, so they can   only work on the street in food vendors. Because women are more good at cooking, they become the ones who earn more money. Only 20% of the street vendors are legal, which made me very surprised.

Location: Near the subway station and 14th street in Union Square

Reason: We want more people to be aware of this monument, and a lot of  people going to work buy foods from the street vendor there.

Form: It’s a middle-aged woman. Her left hand is holding a bagel, her right hand is holding cash. Her position is a position while she’s working.

Reason: We wanted to create a daily position of the woman while she’s working.

Material: Iron

Reason: The same material of her food vendor.

Scale: The average size of middle-aged women.

Reason: We want to create a sense of reality.

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