Week5: Painting with Bacteria Lab prep

1. Natural Watercolor Postcard Sample


2. Research Reflection

There is no doubt that these links have inspired me a lot. As a future clothing designer who is learning, I realize that the traditional fabrics for dyeing and making clothes are gradually being replaced by new and more environmentally friendly fabrics. This is definitely exciting for me, and maybe I can also add bacteria-dyed fabrics to my work. Compared with traditional chemical dyes, bacterial dyeing is obviously more environmentally friendly and is being advocated nowadays. I would like to know more about this and where my school can support students to do biological art and fabric research.

3. Design Ideas


4. Artist Statement

These designs come from my study life as a fashion design student since this semester. I had never made a piece of clothing myself before, but it was only after practice that I realized how difficult it was. I made countless mistakes, hurt myself and wanted to give up, cried, and felt that my heart was scarred and my mind was empty, doubting that I was not suitable for this major at all. Perhaps that’s what happens to the designers who study at Parsons. We experience countless setbacks and eventually grow.

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