Week 12: PS147 Reflection + Final Projects


Participating in activities with PS147 fourth graders is a subtle experience. I had little contact with young children before, and when I saw them, I was a little uncomfortable. But when I contacted them and made collages with them, I found that they were lovely, lively and smart children. One child, seeing me as quiet, took the initiative to interact with me. I was so surprised that she was so mature. Overall, it was a wonderful experience.



This is a picture of industrial wastewater being discharged. The area and color of the dirty water in the picture impressed me deeply. I have always been afraid of water pollution.


To be honest, I’m not sure. This article is about the E.P.A. ‘s draft proposal to make all research projects and agencies’ raw and private data transparent to the point where it is difficult for scientific researchers to modify or specify new rules for clean air and water. It is difficult for me to understand this article because I don’t know much about it, but it may limit the impact of researchers on the natural environment. I don’t know what’s going to happen to the earth in the next ten years according to this article, maybe it will be better.


I think the draft of E.P.A. will not affect my work and life in the next ten years, because I am not a scientific researcher, and I basically have nothing to do with it. I may not live and work in the United States for the next 10 years.


My final project is about buying clothes at a thrift store, and I don’t think it has anything to do with this article. But I think my project in the next decade, as long as more and more people practice it, will change the clothing industry around the world and reduce the use of resources and improve the environment of the earth.



Shop at a second-handed store before buying new clothes. Especially clothes made of materials like cotton or other materials that consume too much environmental resources will be bought in second-hand stores whenever possible in the next decade.


Buying clothes is my daily need, and buying clothes in a second-hand store is a different kind of fun. Browsing some vintage clothing is a fun and informative experience.


Whenever I want to go shopping, I first go to the second-hand store instead of the ordinary store. Think about whether you really need all your clothes before you buy them.


In the next ten years, I think second-hand clothing stores will become more and more popular. Than to buy new clothes, buy second-hand clothes has many advantages, animal or plant fiber, they need to make their clothes need to use a large amount of water, dye will pollute rivers, and to buy second-hand clothes don’t need these waste or pollution, if more and more people buy clothes made of materials like cotton or other materials that consume too much environmental resources will be bought in second-hand stores whenever possible in the next decade to affect the earth’s environment and resources, and don’t have to waste a lot of water resources, water pollution, there will be no more will make people have more water available in the future. And not a lot of resources to grow plants to make new cloth, it will also save more resources, in the future to make the earth’s environment better and better.


This project can meet the standards of “Repair”, “Sales”, “Function”, “Safety”, “User” and “Environment” of Long Life Design. I wanted to create an environmentally friendly, safe and sustainable daily practice that consumers could understand why they were doing it.


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