Bridge 1: Tactile Narrative

Part 1: Research

1) Choose the clothing piece you will use for this assignment, Take a picture of it and post in the LP.

A White Cotton Dress from “Forever 21”

2) My mother had a stomach cancer when I was five. I was a young boy at the time, but vividly remember her hardship and pain. She overcame her disease, and I would like to salute her strength and patience that positively shaped me. I choose the plain white dress because it shows my mother’s pure, benign nature before she got cancer.

3) Orly Cogan – Questions that I would like to ask him

  • Your work seems nature-oriented based on the fact that it is green and made by cotton. Where do you get your inspiration?
  • What is your favorite work on your website?
  • Are your work related to your personal story?

4) Orly Cogan – My favorite 3 works from the artist

I like this work because it gives vague feeling about sexual orientation. Three naked men are standing next to each other, and a tractor that might represent “Journey” is below them. Finding out who I am can be described as journey.

This work clearly shows the artist’s technique. She used colorful strings and sew them on the white cotton sheet. Flowers and butterfly can be seen at her work. It looks vibrant and hopeful at the same time.

I choose this work because green is the main color here. However, the green she used here seems darker compared to her other green. I want to ask the artist about hidden story related to this work.

5) Nohra Haime Gallery

I like this artwork because the object seems like it is flying. The black from top to bottom resembles somewhat darkness side of our society. I imagined that this is about a man who wants to escape from troublesome society, seek for freedom.

This object captured my attention because it looks vague. I though it was a dress, but it is actually more like an accessory. I think small version of this artwork can be a beautiful earring.

Two clothes are distant from each other, but they seem to be related. These two garments remind me of the Tim Burton’s movie, “The Corpse Bride”.

Part 2: Final Execution

1) Complete the final piece.

2. Making process and the final piece.

I bought simple white organza from the fabric shop. I cut it with scissors piece by piece, so that I can make embroideries out of them. I put five to seven pieces all together and stitched the middle to make a flower.

I used a hand felting technique to attach the red string on the surface of the dress. I chose this way because it does not require stitching. Where the string ends, I embroidered flowers to give a sense of feeling to my dress.

This is the front of my work. When I was little, my mother had stomach cancer. She has a scar due to surgery on her tummy, and I wanted to portray it through the red string. After three long years of unbearable suffering, she overcame the illness, and I wanted to salute her recovery by adding flowers on top of the scar. If you look closer on the bottom right side, I also put white fabric on top of the scar. This is because she kept her sickness a secret from the people around her except her family. She did not want to make others worry about her, resulting in her endured the suffering by herself. I admire her willingness and endurance at the darkest time of her life, and wanted to visualize the feelings we both felt through my work.

This is the back side. I put white organza on the surface of the dress to portray skin. I overlapped the red string on the organza to symbolize the agony and pain that she kept to herself. No one could notice it because it was hidden deep inside of her. I am grateful that my mother overcame the cancer and is still by my side. Through this project I realized how important she is to me.

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