Assignment 3: Project Contrary


Assignment Theme:

Space as Dynamic Interface: Networked Publics

(Keywords: internet of things, interactive spaces, urban screens, dynamic architecture)


A twitter bot that grabs two different tweets, merges them and tweets to the account @projectcontrary. Aims to create tweets that raise questions on important topics such as human rights and global warming. By allowing people to see two different people’s perspectives and approaches to a topic in the same tweet, the bot will force users to think about the topic itself as well as their stand for the topic.

How can we use internet of things to create interactive digital spaces that emphasizes on political art? How can we create a space that networks two different political sides?


-Ai WeiWei’s An Archive: “Ai was banned from Chinese Twitter (Sina Weibo) and his blog was shut down by Chinese forces. Never one to be silent, or apologetic, Ai’s latest work transforms his prolific social media bleeps into a beautiful rice paper artwork called An Archive.” It relates to his writings on the Internet, focusing on his writings on Twitter between 2009 and 2013.  

-The Chalkbot: a gigantic robot – reads tweets from @chalkbot’s twitter feed and reprints them, word for word, on the streets in chalk.  The project was funded by Nike’s agencey, W+K.

-Twistori: continually scrolls tweets using the words love, hate, think, believe, feel, or wish.


-Concept Design/Interaction with Social Media



-Uploading Python

-Figuring out Raspberry Pi

-Coding in Twython: Creating a Twython instance with application keys and the users OAuth tokens. Grabbing people’s ‘status, text’ by using. Updating status.

Twitter ID’s: @realdonaldtrump => 25073877    @vp => 818910970567344128  @hillaryclinton => 1339835893    @potus => 822215679726100480    @potus44 => 1536791610    @barackobama => 813286    @michelleobama => 409486555    @sensanders => 29442313    @mahatmagandhij => 35646623


Final Prototype:


When a user presses the button, the bot reaches to two different twitter accounts and grabs their tweets, cut them in half and merge them together. Tweets this new tweet onto the twitter account of the project.

Ideal: * somehow allows you to choose topics such as LGBTI+ rights, abortion, human rights, refugees, pollution, global warming etc. *creates somehow meaningful sentences by dividing them according to conjunctions such as to, and, the… *can create distinctions between two sides when picking two tweets to combine, such as a liberal person and a republican person, so that the result is complex, interesting and not expected. *maybe it can mention the accounts it gets the tweets from so that the actual users get notified too.

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