Diptych and Mark Making Reflection

I found the mark making assignment was a very helpful lead-in to the class. I was able to experiment with different principles of design, emotions and materials. I realized that although I have used these materials in past art classes, graphite and charcoal were the most difficult for me in the mark making assignment. I found it difficult to use different techniques because I felt more unexperienced in using these mediums. However, I enjoyed using sharpie ink and my favourite was collaging. In the diptych, I was excited to explore emotions using weather because I find both very intriguing. I used three of the four mediums from the mark making assignment in the diptych and I think that this helped me become more comfortable with using graphite and charcoal. In the future I hope to continue to become more comfortable with using graphite and charcoal in particular.

Mark making pages for graphite/charcoal (left) and sharpie (right).

Mark making page for collaging.

Diptych called, “Emotion.” Left panel uses graphite, charcoal and collaging and right panel uses collaging and graphite.

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