Autobiography of a Still Life

Three potential thumbnail drawings for my charcoal autobiography of a still life, line drawing.

Still life charcoal line drawing. I chose the middle view of the three objects and recreated it larger in compressed charcoal.

Collaged photoshop composition.

High key, fill and brush composition.

Low key, fill and brush composition.

This is the pallet I created in photoshop to fill my line drawing.

This is the painting I took a photo of at the MET. I used this to fill in my collage composition.

For my three objects, I wanted to choose things that I liked and would challenge me. I chose a perfume bottle that was clear because I wanted to push myself. I also chose it because my sister gave it to me and it meant a lot to me. The other two objects I chose are related to skincare because I find skincare really fun and interesting. I drew three thumbnails of these objects positioned and lit differently. I tried moving the light source to see how it would impact the contour drawing. I then chose my favourite of the three thumbnails and recreated it larger on drawing paper. I used the sighting method to find the proportions and made sure the line quality was consistent and very dark. I then photographed the drawing and uploaded the photo to photoshop. In photoshop, I made sure the background was pure white so that it wouldn’t impact my composition. First, I created the collage composition with my contour line drawing and a photo of a painting that I took on our field trip to the MET. I inserted parts of the painting into sections of the still life contour drawing using layer masks in photoshop. Then, I created a pallet using the rectangle tool and filling them with color. Using this pallet of high key value and low key value colors, I created two more compositions using my contour drawing. I created one composition that was low key value on the tonal range and one that was high key value. I used the high key and low key colours from the pallet I created and used the fill and gradient tools to fill the spaces in the drawing. I also used various brush tools to create details and fix the masks. In some places, the mask left a halo effect between the color and contour line. So, I unlinked the mask and used the white brush on the mask layer to fill more space.

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