W5 Reading response

“In a linear conception of time, which is built into our language, behavior, and thought, the past is fixed and the future is inaccessible until it passes through the present.” This is words from the article of Black Quantum Futurism. Through the article, a linear model of time does not allow to information about the future and only limited information about the past. I never thought about time this way. This article gave me a perspective about time, science or how we think about the world. Everything of the world like technology, philosophy or everything that created by our hands are based on what we thought and believe. Actually, we live in our own self-awareness. Maybe this earth could have other direction to develop. But we only choose our way within acceptable limits. Like Metropolarity Ride with us says “We do not use negative thoughts or words against ourselves.” I think it is a satire of the philosophy of our thinking. And also White Fantastic Imagination expresses the same idea about discrimination.  These ideas remind me a movie called “K-Pax” which tell a story about a “man” called himself an Alien came from a planet called K-Pax. The doctor believes he is paranoid, but the man could manipulate complexity knowledge of astronomy. The movie was not given a conclusion at the end. Leave it to the views. For me, the movie maybe wants to give the idea about how we think about a story or a world, you could choose what you like to think or believe.  There are no many options to think or develop. Maybe achieve more to think or live a different way.

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