W6 Reading Response—Lavonne (Chang) Sun

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), sea levels are rising now at one-eighth of an inch per year, a rate expected to accelerate in tandem with global warming in coming decades.
It was by studying ice samples drilled from melting glaciers themselves that scientists first detected and measured global warming. These glaciers are the archives of our earth, the memory of its worlds, of past climates and of breaths released.
All the water on earth is all the water there’s ever been. In the Anthropocene, everything is connected. It’s kind of like we are in the universe—— meanwhile the universe is inside everyone of us”— we are a whole.
In the article the author also talked about the story of Prometheus
Instead of being selfish and refuse to share the fire with human, Prometheus not only  expropriate fire from the selfish gods but also share a lot of other tools with human
He taught human architecture, writing, mathematics, astrology, sailing, navigation, medicine, divination, music—Those arts necessary not only to human survival but to the infinite ways we elaborate the happy, good life.
 The myth of Prometheus is about human hubris but also about the tools we use to wield our hubris. These arts, practices, knowledges, and forms give us the means to transform not only ourselves but also our very modes of existence.
This has bring a great impact and change to human . Tools are the myriad, infinite bridges that attach us to the world, that allow us to make use of it, and to give shape to and be shaped by it.
We definitely can’t have the life and world where we are living now without the use and invention of these important tools. We, use the tools, to create the world. To bring the imagination and possibility to come true.
 By giving the mortal humans these forms, Prometheus therefore gave them the capacity to create their own worlds. And through this gift a second one was given to us: the possibility of another future, one not determined in advance but a future that was an open question.
At a time when it seemed like the only thing we knew for sure was that there was no future and that nothing would ever change. Now it seems like the only thing we know for sure is that everything is changing.
 As many resilience theorists argue, we are unprepared to face the new world we find ourselves in because we are still using tools from the front loop.
Instead of looking for final answers, what if we accept that we are living in a transitional time, where things are in disarray, where the future’s uncertain, but where more is now possible and authorized than ever before?From this perspective our time is a time for audacity, experiments on the same playing field where our future is already being written for us.
For quite some time, governments deployed a powerful narrative of progress: development, growth, and endless improvement. Now, many resilience advocates substitute our ability to shape the future with an “oops, we actually can’t” survivalism that is hidden behind pristine architectural renderings. We may live in a world that increasingly tells us there’s no more dreaming (except about space), but I don’t live like that. Miami lit my imagination on fire. Ever since I visited, I dream of it often. My dreams aren’t about the future or the end; they are about the possibilities opened right now. Taking up the challenge of the back loop is fundamentally a wager of the present, and it will only be met through a combination of adaption, reinvigoration, and a radical shedding of obsolete technical, social, and mental systems. To accomplish this, we’ll need to make the unlikeliest of combinations between the practitioners of Prometheus’s gifts. Perhaps the hard hats need to meet the hackers, and the engineers the ecologists, and the nurses need to meet the artists, bus drivers, teachers, and mechanics. We are already all here.
In the last paragraph the author came to a conclusion that we are actually standing on a constantly changing point. For the past maybe we will think that nothing will change, but now we have to be awared and prepared that the only truth might be everything is always changing. To find the golden change to make us to a better direction maybe we need to challenge our conventional thinking and make the unlikeliest of combinations between the practitioners of Prometheus’s gifts. Perhaps the hard hats need to meet the hackers, and the engineers the ecologists, and the nurses need to meet the artists, bus drivers, teachers, and mechanics. Try new and bold combinations and living differently. The future is waiting for us.

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