Reading Response: “Urban Geographer Stephanie Wakefield on Climate Change: ‘This Could Be Our Opportunity'”

The unknown face of the future. Wakefield says that the apocalypse is near and that it is not some alien thing that will happen to the humans but it is a gradual erosion of things we take for granted. I agree on her remark because yesterday we were watching a documentary movie called “Chasing Ice” in Sven’s class which showed the melting of ice in various north polar regions. The documentary was about a man on the quest to prove that Global Warming is indeed a real thing. The film was a collective research and documentation of ice melting and glaciers drastically disappearing from Earth. He warned that if such disappearance continues, the southern section of the earth would be flooded by water and there would be global catastrophes. This movie was made a decade ago and the things he said are coming out to be true. The recent tornado and flooding in the different regions of the world prove that we are indeed facing the side effects of global warming.

Wakefield mentions “How much time do we have until its too late?”. Is the slow disappearance of plant and animal species, the destruction made by climate change wasn’t enough of the reasons to make us believe that we have reached the tipping point where in the future the only real problem is going to be survival. We are already living in a situation that is unknown. We have practitioners and creative minds raising awareness about the change in the environment. One of such creatives that I follow is Benjamin Von Wong. He recently hosted an open competition for photographers to capture a photo related to the current problem of the environment. He called it “Awareness photo competition”. The picture below won the first place. Just by seeing it, it provokes a sense of uneasiness to me but that is what we are going through, we are just not ready to accept it.


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