week 5/ black quantum futurism theory & practice

I reading the black quantum futurism theory & practice. they talk about the Black Quantum Futurism (BQF)* is a new approach to living and experiencing reality by way of the manipulation of space-time in order to see into possible futures and/or collapse space-time into a desired future in order to bring about that future’s reality.

At the point where these three traditions collide, exists a creative plane that allows for the ability of African-descended people.

BQF is a new experience of time consciousness that binds modern day physics, ancient African time consciousness, and conceptual notions of futurism. Through Black Quantum Futurism we can increase the “knowability” of the future

I think about the BQF is important African-descended people.

and BQF is a means of exploring and developing modes and practices of spatiotemporal consciousness that would be more beneficial to marginalized peoples’ survival in a “high-tech” world currently dominated by oppressive linear time constructs.

The word future, by definition, designates a time period or temporal space that is not now, This may explain why the word “before” can both denote an event that has already passed and is now in the past, or an event that has not yet happened. This one way linearity does not lie at the root of the words “before” or “future.”

The BQF is important of the worlds is “before” or “future” and  BQA modes and principles of practice allowing for future visioning, altering and manifestation is the phenomenon of “retrocausality,” or backwards causation.

physics is an entangled particle sending a wave backward in time to the moment when the entangled pair was created.Mirroring the principle of retrocausality, the creative futures activated from a BQF perspective automatically reach back to redefine the present and past.

Indigenous African cultural traditions of time and space mirror this principal precisely.

Future events are situated in a potential time, until experienced or actualized. Those events do not depend on some specific clock time or calendar date for their manifestation, With BQF event building, events can be built from scratch. BQF Practitioners believe that at each point in space-time lies an enfolded potential of events.

can be defined liberally and can include macro-level events, micro-level events, emotional/psychical events, psychological and cognitive events, and sensory experience events.

it is most experience events is black quantum futurism.

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