week 12 reading response

“ We are cyborgs, making a cyborg planet with cyborg weather, a crazed, unstable disingression, whose information and energy systems are out of whack. It’s a de-natured nature without ecology.”

It’s quite interesting that the author regards people as cyborgs, and mentions that people are changing things to cyborg as well. To predict the weather, people will make climate model and adapt their strategies with possible changes in the weather. This is what happens during the war since people want to beat their enemies. What if the weather and environment become people’s enemies? At that time, people have to make themselves adapted to the weather, for instance, become cyborgs. Cyborgs can survive in any natural disaster and extreme climates since it can adapt themselves manually with the surrounding. If that really happens, will the definition of people change? Will there be any definition to differentiate people, other living animals, and robots?

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