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Project 2 Logos

Above are my two drafted logos for the “Tunnel Vision Tattoo” (left) or “Tattoo” (right).

Today we have YouTube, video games, movies, role play, and VR to earn and interact with new narratives and people. For some, these mediums are not enough. This device, stemming from the desire to combat ignorance, acts as a semi-permanent tattoo, that has a memory experienced by a real person, embedded into each cartridge. Using the device, the user is injected with needles that access your nerves, helping you to not only see the memory, but feel exactly what the person feels (heart rate, pain, grief, happiness, hatred etc.). Many times, it takes experience to understand what someone else is going through.With this device you have access to the obstacles and tribulations of another person, so hat we can truly understand them, hopefully diminishing ignorance and tunnel vision.

The logos, above, play with the initials of the two possible names of the product, “TVT” for Tunnel Vision Tattoo and “TT” for simply Tattoo.

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