Thesis in progress


Food; alternative communication; bone conduction; taste and memory; digestion

Social Issues: data overflow(eating disorder), privacy, disposable information, social media(snapchat), accessibility of data vs. price of food, trendy food vs. trendy gossip



I am really interested in DNA-data storage technology and wonder how it is going to change the way we communicate in the near future. Also I am interested in “feed” and “digestion” of both nutrition and information we absorb everyday. And I feel like there are so much overlap that can be developed.



People would rethink how they can interact with food and imagine alternative communication in the near future. They would reflect on data privacy, overflow/explode through another lens.



How could this alternative communication make an impact on social norms and issues such as data privacy? Why are people addicted to disposable data like snapchat? What is the future of DNA-data storage and DNA-programming? What is the next revolution of food?


Things to consider:

Scenario: breakfast / supermarket / online shopping(delivery)

Why would people like to use it? – private communication, disposable, connection between taste and memories



Hyper reality

Brainport v100

Eye Candy

Sound Bites


Bone Conduction Glass

Project Nourished

Human Hyena

Smart Spoon Detects Salty

Sensory Pathways

3D Food Printing


Version A: Functionality

Food and Device: spoon



text/audio -> generate texture -> 3D print



capture – decode



audio through bone conduction


*interaction: visual / haptic indicators on the spoon?




Version B: Concept

AR / Video(AE):  focus on demonstration of ultimate concept: DNA as data-storage medium,

Food as data propagation


People will be able to interact with special designed 3D printed food with mobile phone/ipad/(ideally: hololens) to access data visually: vuforia/arkit + unity/openframeworks + twitter API?

Concept Statement:

Context: What are you researching, experimenting with or studying; and why?


I would like to experiment an alternative communication based on food with DNA data-storage. Because i would like to invite people to imagine about the future of DNA data-storage as well as rethink the role of food in our everyday life.


Intention: What do you plan to make, and why? How is this making a response to your inquiry?


I plan to design a specific utensil for people getting access to food digitally, which is used to decode data carried through food. This making is the tool for alternative communication.


Impact: What is the goal of your project? Why is it important?


The goal of my project is to open up a possible use of DNA-data storage and propose an alternative communication method as well as address attention of social issues such as data privacy and data overflow etc.


Prototyping Statement:

What are the critical issues in your thesis / research based design project?

What are the code issues you will need to address through prototyping, and overcome to create the project? These might relate to technology, experience design, community partnerships, clinical partnership, access to audience, access to other resources etc.


The critical issues of this design project is to create physical interactive prototypes for people to experience.



Image recognition, bone conduction, AR


Experience Design:

  1. AR prototype to play with
  2. A functional device to play with


Clinical Partnership:

Will try to contact some related labs and experts



  1. Paper visual diagram
  2. Film* – scenes: shopping / coffee / online browsing
  3. AR (Unity+Twitter API)
  4. Bone conduction
    1. Bluetooth audio receiver
  5. Image recognition
    1. Camera capture
    2. Processor
    3. Bluetooth data transfer?
  6. Food Making: DNA embedded / 3D print (generate)
  7. “Spoon” Making
  8. Website to demo the process (generate)
  9. Performance (if I “code” a message into a real food)

Food as social facilitator or generator



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