Time – first project


I chose to talk about the time when I go to bed until I fall asleep.
This time starts when I enter my bed, at this point I am full of information from the day that has passed. When I tried to think of my senses in that situation I found out that the most intense thoughts comes to me at that time. I get to think about my future, art, my family at home and get very emotional. This intense feelings starts to fade as I’m diving more and more into sleep. That process felt like some kind of cleansing. My mind starts the process with a lot of concrete and existent thoughts until I make them fade away. The idea of chaos to silence made me think of bleach. I chose to take a picture of my postcard collection which I have picked over the years and got from friends and family. The postcards were hanged on my bedroom wall in Israel. The postcards seemed to me as an internal self portrait. I took a picture of the postcards randomly scattered on the floor and started working with bleach to make the postcards blend against each other.I developed the picture at the size of my pillow. I chose to create a circulate form to express the feeling of fluidness and to create a print where my head is. After working with bleach I added more manipulation with photoshop since I wanted to bring that delusional feeling which I have at this moment.

pictures from the process:

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