Mechanical Hand Final Project – Golden Blossom


My gesture is four fingers connected with the thumb. In Israel this sign means patience and also “wait and see”.

I think this gesture is very relevant to what I am going through this days; the feeling of disorientation and shock is balanced by telling to my self: “wait”, “you’ll see”, “have patience”.  In addition, the gesture mimics the gesture one does when meditating, which also connects to my attempt to find inner peace in NYC.

I chose to use gold metal sheets, gold wire and golden fasteners to reference to Buddhist temples where there are statues of saints which are covered with gold. By that, I tried to correspond with Buddhism and meditation.

I made a mechanical structure which the hand lies on. The structure resembles the shape of a hanging machine; I wanted to create a contrast between the peaceful gesture and the violent act. By juxtaposing those two elements together I tried to present how people treat each other. This everyday gesture is something that we need to bring into force in our perception of being human.

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