Throughout the history of humankind, women had been receiving their period on monthly bases. The progress of menstruation means that every month the uterus sheds its lining, leading to blood coming out of their vagina. Although It is a completely natural and healthy process women are still being shamed for that, having to hide the fact that their body is going through it. I want to dedicate my collection to women in their period. My goal is to create a collection that celebrates the period and to allow women to feel comfortable and secure with themselves and their bodily changes. I search to explore the idea of being in period as a state of mind. I interviewed my friends about their experiences and the way they feel during their cycle. I would base my collection on those emotions. Through that, I want to expand the act of menstruating not only to the physical but also to a certain state of mind that everyone who identifies as a women is experiencing.

During the last years, feminist activists are calling to educate the world about the period, presenting it as something that women should be proud of. In addition, they have been raising issues concerning the tax on tampons and pads which is extremely high. I believe gender equality is dependent on legitimizing and opening the discussion concerning the period. Women all over the world are still marginalized, isolated or shamed for having their period. In ancient times, the time of the period was considered a sacred time when women should rest and revive their bodies. I find a lot of beauty in this process. There is a majestic element in the body renewing itself. I would love to create a collection that directly addresses this topic through visual, political and cultural references. I feel that as a designer I can’t change society, but I can create garments that would enable women to feel comfortable and confident within their monthly cycle.


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