Time Video : Portraits in Time

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In Portraits through Time, I wanted to showcase who these three girls are through the actions and routines they go through in a day. Through time, we can all see our character in the things we do or don’t do.


While making this I had a concept of what I wanted the entire time and I think that the video just fell in line with the process. All of the shots and audio are candid (except the story about a koi fish, that I asked my friend to re-tell as I wasn’t recording). This is what my friends do in a day. This is part of who they are. I tried not to film their faces because I wanted these portraits to be seen in what they do. I didn’t think about it from the start, but I gravitated towards this concept because I think we spend too much time deciding who people are by what they look like and not what they do. This is the case especially with women and people of color. That why I tried as much as possible to film something completely natural, as much as time would allow me. People are what they do with their time.


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