Seminar Reflection

For this mythology project and really this class as a whole I feel as if I have become a more introspective person. Not that I hadn’t thought about these things before, but writing and discussing and having a conversation in this class makes me feel I can be more vocal or just more comfortable expressing myself through writing and especially writing that’s more personal. Coming to this class was almost like therapy in the sense that I feel like with the writing and readings on top of moving to New York and starting college, helped me digest everything in healthy or useful way. I used to think I was going to be a writer and used to read a lot as a kid and I’m glad to know I still feel this way about reading/ writing.

The mythology project is probably my favorite one, from all of my classes and all of the semester. The story and project we get to cross into each other and explore intriguing topics along with ourselves was very fulfilling. At the end of projects I am usually pretty satisfied with the end result and thats not something I can say for a majority of my classes unfortunately. I definitely feel more inspired to do better work as an artist and writer. I am only worried that I’m setting a precedent for myself in my head about what my next seminar and studio class will be, and I’ll be disappointed next semester. But I think that I really learned important things in this class and from our assignments that I will be using all through college and life.

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