Assignment #9 – Simple designs to save a life

What was the purpose of watching this video?

In comparison to the video in Ass. #8, this video was about the far reaching potential of Design in real world applications. The woman in the TED talk was educating the viewer on her work using ‘simple’ designs to improve the quality of living of those in less fortunate countries. She connected these solutions to the economic, environmental, and health of these countries. These connections being made, like a domino effect beginning with alternative cooking fuels allowed her to reach beyond what she originally intended them too. The video demonstrates the complexity that simple design solutions can achieve where in the benefits topple the complications.

What did you learn from this talk?

In this talk I learned more about the practical use of design in everyday life and how simple solutions can be to complex issues. Once again, this video demonstrates the potential that design has in even the farthest corners of the world.


What are the questions it evokes?

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