Assignment 13# – Wacky Vendo

You have been asked by an industrial design firm to create a new kind of vending machine- one whose contents would fit the needs of your local neighborhood.

My vending machine would be designed for children and parents. One that fits the needs and wants of children and is designed to be accessible to them. The vending machine would be ow o the ground and have controls that are easy for the child to understand. The items in the vending machine would be relevant to children and infants needs. Diapers, napkins, bandaids and other small emergency items. It could also include toys and snacks more children oriented too.


Children I feel, are often left out of the equation when it comes to designing public spaces for everyone. The design would be simple, something they could understand, and something more fitted to the space it is in. It would require electricity to keep some contents at a safe temperature and process monetary transactions which would be handled with modern and convenient options.

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