Assignment 16# – What I love about my neighborhood


Practicing the preliminary interviewing process – Empathy – Step one of Design Thinking Method

Practicing how to document the feedback

Practice what information can be learned from a positive interview about the neighborhood


Interview Questions

1 What do you love about Astoria?

a public spaces, general area, stores etc.

People answered this question by beginning with they ‘love everything’ then pointed out similar things like the diversity and good schools. A lot of the things they answered were places that were public spaces or spaces that were accessible or them easily.


2 Is there anything/ anyplace you go daily/weekly?

a routine/ familiarity developed in time they have lived there

The common answer was visiting parks or specific grocery stores. The parks were big, likely because all interviewers had young children (as I saw) and they were places that they would go pretty much daily.


3 What would you like to see more of in your neighborhood?

a complaints

b desires for the future

The  most interesting answers to this question would be more children stores and bigger sidewalks. They seemed to be pleased with Astoria in general but, the lack of children oriented spaces was a difficultly. The sidewalks were too narrow as well in some heavy traffic areas which could make it more dangerous, noted by the interviewer ‘especially for the children.’



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